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A Message to My Fellow 8th Grade Graduates
Salutations and greetings to my fellow 8th grade graduates: my name is Finn and - just like you - I will never stop learning. Even from...
Neurodivergent Student Panel: Part 2 Helpful Supports
REEL recently hosted a learning differences simulation at a local independent school. After experiencing firsthand the struggles of...
Neurodivergent Student Panel: Part 1 Challenges
REEL recently hosted a learning differences simulation at a local independent school. After experiencing firsthand the struggles of...
Strength-Based Assessments Help Your Children Thrive
During this season of IEP renewal meetings and the never-ending search for the elusive “perfect educational fit” for our 2e children, we...
Reflecting on REEL's Transformative Workshops for Educators
As the Educator Awareness Program Manager at REEL, I have had the privilege of witnessing firsthand the profound impact our workshops...
Slow Processing Speed and the 2e Child
Dr Marcy Dann gave a talk for REEL about Slow Processing Speed and the 2e Child . Here is a writeup of the event. Unraveling the...
How to Evaluate Schools for Twice-Exceptional Learners: The DEAR REEL Model
Twice-exceptional (2e) students have complex learning profiles. They have high potential or ability in academic, creative, or leadership...
THE DEAR REEL MODEL: Classroom Strategies for Twice-Exceptional Student Success
REEL is excited to announce the publication of the DEAR REEL Model for educators: Classroom Strategies for Twice-Exceptional Student...
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