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Yael Pasternak Valek

Local Youth Raises Funds and Awareness for REEL

REEL is incredibly moved by the dedication of a local 8th grader in supporting our work. In the 2023-24 school year, Yaniv reached out to REEL to see if he could learn about our non-profit as part of a Avodah La'Olam (work for the world) Project at Hausner Jewish Day School. The project is a celebration of Tzedakah, a key Jewish value, which means social justice and righteous giving. 

Yaniv selected REEL because his brother is autistic, and when his family tried to find resources to support him, they had trouble doing so. He wanted to help other families in the same situation find the resources and support they need.

Yaniv interviewed us at REEL and learned the how and why of what we do. He then created a presentation for his school community to learn more about our organization. His final project culminated in a touching ceremony in which he shared why he chose REEL to research and receive a large donation of school collected funds.

In his speech, Yaniv mentioned a fundamental principle in Judaism: “You shall love your fellow as yourself.” His group chose non-profits who help people who “are having a hard time being accepted” and are “lacking equal opportunities.” Yaniv mentioned that REEL “aims to create a bridge between educators and families of twice exceptional children… they provide education so these children can be included and accepted … and their families can understand them a little better. I chose this organization because they helped my family. My brother is autistic and I know how much impact REEL2e can have on just one family.” His co-presenter shared, “These organizations promote acceptance and inclusion and relate to the Jewish value of Kavod Habriyot, treating everyone with dignity, even those who may be different from you. This world tends to exclude those they see as different… these organizations build up community instead. They give belonging to people who definitely deserve it. They show that even though they may be different, that in no way makes them less than.”

REEL was amazed and honored to receive a check for almost $1,000 from Yaniv and his school community! Yaniv then blew us away AGAIN by also making us the organization he chose to honor at his Bar Mitzvah, contributing his gift money of almost $2,000 to REEL to further our programs. He wrote “I am donating this money to REEL2e in honor of my Bar Mitzvah. I hope this will help ‘twice-exceptional students thrive in school by raising parent and educator awareness.’” 

We are so touched and inspired by Yaniv’s dedication to REEL. His support has fueled our team in our mission, not only financially, but also emotionally. Knowing we are having an impact on families and that the impact is seen by local youth whose lives are touched by neurodivergence propels us in our mission to support 2e students all the more. Thank you, Yaniv!

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