Do you have a bright child who struggles to show it in an academic setting? Does your child love to think about numbers or discuss advanced math concepts but resists doing a simple math assignment? Have they memorized elaborate sequences of historical events but can’t remember to turn in their homework? Does your child conduct deep, well-reasoned debates with you but struggle with reading or writing?
You may have a twice-exceptional (2e) child!
REEL has developed a fact sheet (available in both English and Spanish) and a checklist to help people learn more about what it means to be 2e.
Parents, if your teacher or school is new to the concept of 2e students, we recommend you share these printable documents with them.
Educators, if you'd like to learn more about 2e and how to support these students in your classrooms, please visit our Educators page to learn about our workshops, or reach out to us at